I was in some difficulty when I started trying to write HTML coding for constructing a website from scratch.  Yes, lots of books were and are available about HTML, written by experts who are red-hot on the refinements of the system, its history and structure.  But they are so expert most have forgotten the difficulties they had come up against when they had first been exploring the language.

A common approach was (and still is, both in print and online) to go through each of the capabilities of the system, explaining exactly how the vital wording and punctuation must be included, usually including a miniature program to show how each one functions.  But it is inevitably less than obvious how these components are to be joined together to make a sensible, useful whole.

What follows is different.  In Chapter One a simple one-page website is constructed incorporating all the basic essentials of the compulsory heading plus some text and a picture.  HTML elements are introduced as they are needed, explained in context.

Chapter Two then tackles refinements to that specimen page, setting out the text and image sizes, colours, alignments, decorations and so on.  The first run-through uses in-line CSS.  Having introduced the concepts there is then a minor adjustment to form an internal style sheet.

Those foundations having been laid, it is then possible to consider the needs of a multi-page website, deliberately complicated by being shared between two directories.  Though the material may be slightly fanciful, Chapters Three to Seven set out realistic coding procedures, quickly including an external style sheet to carry some CSS across the whole site. Again, it is programming in context, easily transferable to your needs.

Chapter Eight includes details of a few elements which are likely to be useful but which did not happen to fit happily into the scheme of the earlier Chapters.  It finishes with some considerations involved in uploading the material onto the World Wide Web.

Like most constructive pursuits, creating a website from scratch can be immensely satisfying, fulfilling for its own sake, and useful too presumably.  So good luck with your endeavours, whatever they are.



Example first: explanations as we go along.
So here goes -

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>My First Trial Website</title>
<meta name="description" content="My first exploration with writing html.">
My name is<br>
Mike Hosken<br><br>
This is in my local nature reserve<br>
<img src="beechwoods.jpg" width="600">

SPECIAL NOTE: There are two deliberate mistakes in that listing.  We'll be using it later to learn how to find errors and set about correcting them.  But just for the moment, it's a workable website listing.  Meanwhile -

All html5 coding is to be typed in lower case - NO CAPITAL LETTERS, though the initial DOCTYPE seems to be optional.  Virtually all measures must be inside "double inverted commas".  But you can please yourself as to how your listing is set out: any extra spaces and blank lines are ignored, so use them to help make your listing easy on the eye. A bit further on we'll discover that -
- is pefectly OK on one line if that's what you want, for example.  There are some conventions but they are totally optional: you are in charge of your website.  If you want to see how other folk do it you can, with most browsers, “View page source” (Ctrl+U perhaps) while displaying their website: it reveals some astonishing listings.

Phew! Now then, all that work must be saved as a text file.  So "save as" all your work with a new name, MyFirst perhaps with no spaces but numbers are OK, My1st perhaps, but vitally with .html on the end.  (Actually just .htm will work alright.)

OK. Now the climax.  Open your files directory where you can see this new file listed.  When you double-click on it your computer will recognise the .html suffix as being a web page and select your default 'browser' to open and interpret it.  The result will be your own personalised first web-page version of –

The display.
OK, so that has worked.  Don't think much of it though.  Lots of improvements are needed, which we'll be having a look at in Chapter 2.

Indeed it has worked, but is it good, valid, universally acceptable html5?  No: remember those deliberate errors?  Use your browser to find  When it comes up click where it says "No file chosen": your file list will be displayed.  You may have to move through the file structure tree to find your new folder but then it will include your new MyFirst.html or whatever.  Double-click on the file name and MyFirst.html will appear in W3C's box.  Then just click on the oval "Check" box.

O dear!  THREE errors!  I had said I had included TWO errors.  Let's see:
I'll add </div> just before </body> to clear BOTH the other errors.

Re-save the file.  Now go back to the Validator.  The quickest way is to use the left arrow to get back to the previous display.  Your file will again be there in the box for the W3C Markup Validation Service.  Click on "Check" again.  Result, "Document checking completed. No errors or warnings to show."  Hooray!

Again just for curiosity's sake, we're all familiar with www for the world-wide web.  W3 is the shorthand, with C for Consortium which designs and monitors the web.  If W3C says it's OK, it's OK!

Anyway, how have you got on?  Ready for Chapter2 with those promised "lots of improvements"?  If so, click here.
