Chapter 7

Contact Us
Links and Things

So we come to the final brief page of the MAA website.  We can edit chunks of the activities.html coding to form the basis of the new page in the same way as we did earlier.  The menu must include links to the home page, membership, activities and gallery but the actual wording of the meta name is up to you.  Here's my version -

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>MAA Contact Page</title>
<meta name="description" content="Mudcomb Activities Association contact page.">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="maastyle.css">
<div class="header">
<table><tr><td><img src="MAA.jpg" height="60" alt="MAA monogram."></td>
<td style="font-size: 55px; font-weight: bold;">MUDCOMB&emsp;ACTIVITIES&emsp;ASSOCIATION</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:30px;">
<a href="index.html">Home Page</a> &emsp; &bull; &emsp;
<a href="members.html">Membership</a> &emsp; &bull; &emsp;
<a href="activities.html">Activities</a> &emsp; &bull; &emsp;
<a href="pics/gallery.html">Our Photos</a></td></tr></table>

<!-- Website Primer, Chapter 7, contact.html -->

Saved as contact.html and it works alright?  OK, fine.

Now if, like the page in the Christmas carol, you've been following exactly in our footsteps you may have noticed that once we've used each link on the MAA website it changed color from blue to navy.  Several color options can be applied to links:
a:linkaffects virgin links
a:hoveraffects a link while a cursor hovers over it
a:activeaffects a link immediately it has been clicked on
a:visitedcontrols any link that has been visited recently.

You can release your artistic flair here, but at the risk of annoying your site visitors.  My own view is that as I've rarely found any practical significance in link color changes I keep those on my own websites uniformly set at the default blue.  But whatever you decide, the change must surely apply throughout the whole of any one website so the place to code the rules must be in the external style sheet, maastyle.css in our case.  (Very simple research reveals that w3c websites themselves opt for all blue apart from active red.)  If you agree with me, add this to maastyle.css:
body  a:link{color: blue;}
body  a:hover{color: blue;}
body  a:active{color: blue;}
body  a:visited  {color: blue;}

If you should wish to remove the automatic underlining of links you can add text-decoration: none; within the curly brackets.

Now we have to set out the text supplied to us by the Mudcomb Activities Association.  We can go straight to the html listing, like this -

<div style="margin-left:200px; margin-right:200px;">
PERSONAL  VISITS to MAA activities are welcomed.  Whether it's a "Keep Fit, Keep Slim, Keep Active" session you've heard about; or you've met some Ornithologists on your nature ramble; or perhaps you've enjoyed a Chorale concert and would like to be involved; whatever your relevant interests -<br>
<ul><li>if you know dates and times of activity meetings, just go along and meet up with members.</li>
<li>otherwise please email or phone the Secretary, who will be pleased to provide you with details.</li></ul>

TELEPHONE  ENQUIRIES: 01234 567 890.  Calls are most likely to be successful if undertaken at weekends or in the early evenings.  Messages will usually be recorded at other times, to be replied to as soon as possible.<br><br>

Our EMAIL  ADDRESS for general enquiries is -<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"></div>
If you click on <a href="">this link</a> your computer will automatically open up a new message in your email facility with our address in the 'To' box.<br><br>

Any postal communication should please be addressed to:
<blockquote>The Secretary <br>Mudcomb AA <br>Hazelwood <br>Mudcomb Parva <br>COMBTOWN <br>Loamshire <br>HY73 9BN</blockquote>

There's precious little that needs explaining.
The Contact page.

More choices; more possibilities; hosting; publication: all in Chapter 8 >
